Steps to Success in Being a
Be Here Now:
Learn to be where you are when
you are there.
Remember that our minds are designed to save us
from what might happen in the future based on
has happened to us in the past.
Be on Time:
Time is one of the valuable
assets we have. Be on
time, but dont be controlled by it. Remember that
we should be the ones telling that thing on
the wall
(clock) what to do. So many people operate with the
clock and time as their master. We should be the
of time. Plan your schedule to let the clock
work for you not against you.
Be Friendly:
Have your honor always be bigger
than your mood.
You can do this by knowing what is important at all
Be Polite:
Treat your students and others
as you would like to
be treated.
Be Prepared:
Dont do things without
a plan. Take the time to
plan your work and then work your plan.
Be a Listener:
Learn to listen without any intention
to reply. Learn
to take instructions. A good teacher must be a great
student first